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Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Osteopathy


If you experience pain, lack of mobility or stress,

A better quality of life is within reach!

Alison Beck


CST, NCTMB   -  Agrée ASCA




Pitegny, Gex, France

Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland


About the work


Craniosacral therapy uses subtle touch and deep listening through the

practitioner therapist's hands to facilitate tissue change and other physiological changes to relieve pain, stress and old patterns held in the tissues. In reality this means the method is adept at treating complex and long held tissue anomalies, such as trauma patterns, and those persistant pains you haven't been able to get rid of. The results are often remarkable.

The Craniosacral therapy treatment programs I have developed come from my extensive training and 20 years experience in integrative bodywork and biodynamic osteopathy, sport & therapeutic massage and pain management.

I commonly treat neck and cervical problems, jaw, ear and sinus problems headaches, backaches and stiffness, nerve pains, sciatica, ribs, walking problems, abdominal issues, shoulder problems and so forth.



This is a more gentle form of osteopathy in which there is no joint 'cracking', using instead, osteopathic techniques and other manual techniques such as:

  • Myofacial release, 

  • Neuromuscular therapy

  • Musculoskeletal and postural realignment

  • Structural integration,

  • Massage and stretching


Craniosacral Osteopathy is suitable for everyone.

Anyone searching for pain relief solutions, looking for help with debilitating stress or the need to improve mobility at any age, can benefit from this bodywork therapy.

I work with long term pathologies, non contagious illnesses, acute and chronic pain and the stress these problems can engender physically and emotionally.


I also offer 


A well known therapy that works with the reflex points of the feet and hands to stimulate the organs and calm the nervous system.

If you find foot or hand work particularly useful and relaxing or you have specific problems in these areas, reflexology will be able to help you.



Therapeutic massage for pain and joint or visceral problems, as well as for relaxation. I have studied and practiced massage for many years and still find this a very rewarding touch for the patient.


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